AI Value Accelerator

Get Maximum Value from Your AI Investments

See Shibumi in Action

Benefits of AI Value Accelerator

Get centralized AI investment governance with a single platform for idea management, opportunity prioritization, AI project lifecycle management, and automated ROI tracking.

Apply Governance

Stand up a consistent and rigorous process for governing AI programs — from ideation to execution to benefit realization.

Centralized AI Idea Hub

Empower your entire enterprise to submit new ideas and business cases for AI applications centrally in a secure platform.

Prioritization Engine

Define a scoring system and leverage out-of-box reports and scenario planning visualizations to prioritize AI opportunities effectively.

Measure Business Benefits

Set up stage-appropriate success measures for AI investments. Automatically monitor and report on initiatives’ value and ROI.

AI Value Accelerator Features

Centralized solution for AI investment governance and program management, ensuring alignment with business objectives.

Define Outcomes and Business Benefits for AI Projects

In AI Value Accelerator, you can categorize AI projects by business goals and benefit types to ensure your organization invests only in projects that support your priorities.

AI Value Accelerator Dashboard

Investment Governance for Your AI Program

AI Value Accelerator provides the governance you need to ensure all AI projects are delivering their expected value—and are managed ethically and responsibly. Leverage stages and gates to move AI projects through a lifecycle and take advantage of automated notifications and role-based access to ensure the right people are involved at the right time.

AI Value Accelerator Governance

Scale Up Your AI Innovation Pipeline

Efficiently capture new AI ideas/use cases from stakeholders across your organization. Create an in-take questionnaire within minutes and start using it to solicit AI ideas from your workforce. Or import existing ideas into AI Value Accelerator via CSV. All entries are organized centrally in AI Value Accelerator – making triage easier.

AI Value Accelerator Opportunities

Prioritize AI Opportunities Based on Risk and Business Case

AI Value Accelerator comes with built-in business case and risk assessment templates for documenting AI projects’ expected value, feasibility, risks, and costs so you can understand trade-offs and potential ROI before investing resources. Use the best data and analytics possible to determine which AI opportunities are worthy of exploration and investment with our configurable scoring system and out of-the-box interactive visualizations and reports.

AI Value Accelerator Scoring System

Monitor and Report on the Business Benefits of the AI Program

AI Value Accelerator automatically monitors the business benefits of deployed AI projects. See the actual benefits of AI implementations/deployments over time with out-of-box dashboards and reports. Further, get an aggregated view of the value of your entire AI program.

AI Value Accelerator Monitoring

Resources: How to Drive Business Success with AI


AI Center of Excellence

AI Governance in Action: Ensuring Ethical Standards in AI Adoption


Professionals collaborating

Creating and Accelerating Business Value with Artificial Intelligence


Professionals collaborating

AI Lifecycle Management: A Stage-by-Stage Guide